By coincidence, I also published a ROTK-related article this morning! Yeah, it's surprising it's been so long and yet the film still holds up. Some FX stuff looks a bit dated here and there but the film as a whole is still brilliant.

Also, the incident is really funny. It reminds me of how the scene was made even more grotesque in a Russian mockdub, where they added extra noises to Denethor: https://youtu.be/UcnfrMfoSLg?t=32

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I put Single Parents in my hulu queue and subscribed to the Patreon. Keep up the great work, my twitter/substack/patreon associate! Taking a second city writing class next month in part due to you.

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Hope you enjoy Single Parents! And THANK YOU, Jason! Too generous of you!

I'm so glad to hear about the Second City writing class. You'll have to tell me how it goes!

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