💎 Treasures #001: November '22 Mathoms
Tolkien-related Treasures for Fans of Middle-earth
Hello, all! First of all, thank you for subscribing to Jokien with Tolkien. I can’t wait to continue this relationship from wherever we first connected and I’m excited to be able to share a bit more with you than I typically might in a tweet or a thread.
I’ll of course be looking to continue to share jokes, memes, and humor with you all as well as a general love for and appreciation for Tolkien, but I’d also like to share some longer-length meditations on a theme, topic, book, or piece of media on occasion. But we’ll get there eventually! Today is simply the first step on a journey, which, as Bilbo might say, is a dangerous business. There's no knowing where we might be swept off to.
With today being Friday I wanted to start out by briefly sharing five of my favorite things from this past month:
The new illustrated (by Tolkien himself) edition of The Silmarillion that was recently released. I can’t stop poring over it again and again!
@TeawithTolkien from Twitter is on YouTube now! Check out her first video, a first look at the same illustrated version of The Silmarillion, and be sure to subscribe for future videos.
The Lord’s Prayer: For All God’s Children from Lexham Press has been a nightly staple during our toddler’s bedtime this week.
Each phrase of the Lord’s Prayer gets a lovely illustration from the life of Jesus and a simple explanation of what the phrase means and why we pray it. Plus there’s a cat on each page to try and find!
This thread examining the problems with “Problem of Susan” from a few years back popped up in my feed again and it’s worth reading if you haven’t before.
Switchfoot’s new Christmas album has been on repeat around these parts. I was a hard “no Christmas music until after Thanksgiving” person before 2020, but something about the past two years has really loosened me up on that front.
And that’s it! I don’t know that I’ll do this every week, but perhaps twice a month I’ll share some of the things that I’ve particularly enjoyed or been interested in recently.
Feel free to leave a comment sharing one or more of the things you’ve been enjoying recently!
Thanks for the tips. Hadn't seen the Susan Pevensie thread, loved it.
Love that thread on Lucy. But it’s more than just a desire to be a grown up. She desired to be grown up more than she wanted Aslan (God). Lucy is a cautionary tale of letting something else be greater than love for God.