The Balrog barbecues using flames from his body.

Saruman captures Gandalf in a boring conversation about his new friend Sauron who is so cool. The eagles save Gandalf by asking if he wants to play cornhole.

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Elrond is relieved that the party isn't taking place in Rivendell this year. Thranduil is disappointed that it isn't taking place in Mirkwood.

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Spot-on 😂

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Worm-tongue looks through a gap in the other neighbors fence telling lies about the party next door.

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oh 100% lol

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Are you trying to make me go bankrupt?

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I am merely providing information...what you do with it is out of my control 😅

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When asked why she refused to partake in a friendly Roman-candle-fencing match, Eowyn replied, “I am no man.”

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Karen Sackville-Baggins is reporting the whole event to the HOA, mentioning the parking violations TWICE (HORSES ARE NOT ALLOWED, and even aside from that some ponies parked them in). They also reported the squatting wizard to Immigration (despite his being a citizen).

The Master of Lake-town’s pugs are wearing ThunderShirts and so are unbothered by the fireworks (and they’ve seen worse fireworks before).

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this is amazing hahaha. love it!

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Thanks for this! Made me laugh out loud. Well done!

Eärendil shines brightly in the sky, briefly mistaken for part of the firework finale (until Sam recognizes his favorite star). Katy Perry's 'Firework' sounds quiet but distinct in the background.

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oh I love Eärendil making an appearance!

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Laugh out loud funny and so well written - thanks so much and Happy 4th!

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haha, thank you! so glad you enjoyed it

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😂 so good!

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Nice mix.

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Happy Fourth!

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