MeriAbbott Brandybuck and Peregrin TooKostello
We've Had First Base, Yes. What About Second Base?
[enter merry and pippin]
pippin: who's the king of angmar?
merry: witch-king
pippin: of angmar. that's what I want to find out. who is the king of angmar?
merry: I'm telling you. witch-king of angmar
pippin: I mean the fellow’s name
merry: witch-king
pippin: the king of angmar
merry: witch-king
pippin: the king who rules in angmar
merry: witch-king
pippin: the fellow who reigns over—
merry: witch-king of angmar!
pippin: I’m asking YOU which king
merry: that's the king's name.
pippin: that's which king's name?
merry: yes.
pippin: well go ahead and tell me.
merry: that's it.
pippin: that's which king?
merry: yes.
pippin: you're killing me
merry: no man may kill him
pippin: which man?
merry: no, witch man is king of angmar. no man may kill him
pippin: no man can kill which man
merry: yes
pippin: I’m not asking you which man can kill which king
merry: the king of angmar
pippin: king of where—
merry: the king of the werewolves is different, we’re not talking about him. he’s more of a lord anyways
pippin: you’re in for a walloping
merry: húrin, now there’s a sad story about a man…
pippin: which man?
merry & pippin: THE KING OF ANGMAR
Part 2 of my appearance on That’s What I’m Tolkien About (@tolkienaboutpod on twitter and insta) dropped this week. Have a listen as we continue discussing the first portion of Appendix A in LOTR
Looking to send out my January Faves in next week’s newsletter. Thanks for reading!
[slow clap to STANDING OVATION!!]
Excellent. Like reading the classic, Catch 22, but Hobbit edition.