I don't know why people judge others for anything they like or don't like. How does me liking the movies affect you? Sure we can have a discussion about it and see each others perspective, but leave me alone and let me be happy. Don't try and guilt me into not liking something or that you're better then me because of it.

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Exactly! Why does it even matter to those sorts of people? I suspect, like you allude to, that it has to do with wanting to feel superior to other people because what you like is "good" and what they like is "bad," but that's conjecture. Anyways, I am with you 100%. "Leave me alone and let me be happy." Well-put.

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Love, love, love this! Thanks for articulating why some people's response to the Rings of Power was so snobby and not helpful! I love the abundant love you have for your topic!!

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So glad that you do! And you're welcome! I felt similarly at the time it was airing but didn't really have a place to articulate it like this, so when I was reminded of the similarities I had to include it here. Thanks for reading and for the feedback! :)

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I'll never understand people who choose to hate watch shows and movies. I guess if that's your job and you need to put food on the table... but I have seen far too many "why you should hate Rings of Power" type articles. Why would you want to find reasons to enjoy something less? Maybe I'm just a unrepentant hedonist, but it seems like the better path is finding reasons to enjoy and be grateful for things.

All that to say: heartily agree with your takes. 5/5

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I totally agree: life is too short to hate-follows anything! Why not devote yourself to the good, the true, and the beautiful instead of getting stuck on what you find to be personally repulsive?

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