Sad laugh at “over my dead body” 🥹 RIP movie Haldir

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I knoooow 🥹 I knew the post needed a final joke but it was the last piece. when I finally thought of it, I simultaneously knew it absolutely had to be the ending and also was sad haha

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Oh absolutely 🫡

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"The Once And Future Alliance"? Wait, that's the Camelot gang...

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"The Return of the King" wait do you mean Arthur or Aragorn?

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I hear whispers of Monty Python . . .

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ELVES: on second thought, let's not go to Helm's Deep. 'tis a silly place

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Besides, Saruman stole our Holy Hand Grenade, and who knows? We might run into the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog!

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In LOTRO, it was known as the Great Alliance at the time and only later renamed to the less morale-boosting version.

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Shortened to simply, "The Alliance."

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Legolas: I thought the Fellowship was the most recent alliance of Elves and Men...

There's a reason he's not included in this conversation; Aragorn would have another headache trying to figure it out in between dwarf-tossing logistics.

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LEGOLAS: what about MY alliance with you?

ARAGORN: *rubbing his temples* technically isn't an 'alliance' more than just one person?

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I am going to need more of this in the coming years. Causing attention at the coffee shop because I laughing so hard

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Happy to oblige! And that's hilarious lol

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The best part is I am reading back through the LotR books. Just started the first one after the election and now I am certain that both Tolkien and Jokien will be a balm in this time haha

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Absolutely loved the comments on cooking!

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Hey! Haldir. Get back home! Didn't you read the appendices? Orcs are about to attack Lothlorien.

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